
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Treading water

Just going through the motions? Are you tired of the routine?
You're actually keeping things going. Don't be hard on yourself.

If you stopped, life would not come to halt. Things would keep happening, but order would be gone. If you did something else, in just a little while, the new would wear off and you'd only have a new grind. If you ran away, you would only create a second timeline: more activities, responsibilities, and work.

When you tread water, you swim in place with your head above water, moving arms and legs in order to stay afloat. You can't touch, and you don't go anywhere. If you stop, you sink. If you choose a direction, it only takes two extra kicks to get going that way.

Treading water is great exercise: it builds stamina and endurance.
Let's go over those questions again.

Just going through the motions? Are you tired of the routine?
Don't be disappointed for the apparent lack of progress. You're getting stronger by the minute.