Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I got busy and time just flies.
I never really abandoned the blog. There were just other things that demanded my attention. Now, I wish I could say the house was in order and the laundry was done up, or that my novel is finally going to hit the bookstores. Life just got in the way.
But despite all that, right now I have 646 followers on Twitter. Thank you!
The thought for the day is "resurrection" naturally, as the title foreshadows. We do it every day. We get up and start all over again. Usually, our habits kick in and we don't think about it all that much. But when you're ...
stuck in traffic
waiting for the bus
typing at the office
ordering lunch
changing diapers
feeding the baby
stopping the fight at the playground
drying the tears
turning in your assignment
starting a new job
... remember that you get another chance.
You're resetting the game and hitting go, one more time.
Jesus gave us another chance. Let's make it count.
Happy Easter!
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